The Housing Crisis

House prices are ridiculously high just now. In Cornwall the average house price in June 2021 is £330,000. The average salary is £26,000. Young people who have been born and raised in Cornwall cannot afford to buy a house.

But in general, rents follow house prices, and thus the average rent now paid in Cornwall is £826 per month for a two bedroom house.

This also is unaffordable to young people so they are forced to either leave the county or live with their parents. Read more


I love Scotland and the people and I am a staunch supporter of Scottish Independence. It pains me so much to see how Nicola Sturgeon has corrupted the Scottish Nationalist Party which was handed to her on a plate by Alex Salmond after Scotland voted by a very small majority to remain in the UK. Read more

Infinity and Beyond

Am I human? I feel like a human being. I’m Jack Hawkins, married with two children. But that was a very long time ago. I don’t look like a human being. I have no flesh or bones, I never get hungry.

Actually I’m a starship, Read more

Flying Saucers

Let’s do a little extrapolating from the present to the next few hundred years based on developments over the last few years.

We are sending automatic unmanned probes into space.
Artificial intelligence is now advanced and its development is accelerating… Read more

Education education education.

Tony Blair’s goal was to get 50% of the population into further education. This has been taken to mean 50% of the population will have a degree. Which is great for them, because that will put them in the top 10% of earners. Errrrr…… Read more

The Pooper Scooper

I got done today. My own fault I suppose. Last week as I came out of Tesco, my receipt blew away as I was packing the car. I spent a half hour trying to find it but to no avail. But a licensed litter picker managed to find it. Maybe she caught it almost as soon as it blew away, I don’t know.
Anyway, the letter came today… Read more

Putting the Earth into Perspective

Usually when the statistics of the earth are described, diagrams are used. Somewhere in the description is the disclaimer “Not to scale”. There is a reason for this, it’s almost impossible to show the relative dimensions on a paper diagram.

But it can be done… Read more

Open Mic Etiquette

The standard of the performers at open mics is very variable but the audiences are usually very kind. It is nice if you are kind to them too. Here are a few guidelines – all common sense really.
It’s worth having a visit to any new open mic before you commit to play, even if its just a quick look before you get your instrument out of the car. The styles vary very much. That said Read more