The Housing Trap

How would you feel if the council started to build houses close to yours, at a similar standard to yours, but let out at half of your mortgage payments? 
When you sell your house you will not get what you paid for it. You will be in a state of “negative equity”.  Due to the stupid way our banks work you will find it difficult or impossible to move house. Even if you have to move house for a better paid job to pay your mortgage! Read more

Fining Pieces of Paper

The government has just fined Southern water £90,000,000 for pouring sewage into the sea.
This is ludicrous beyond belief. Corporations or companies are NOT negligent or dishonest.  They are pieces of paper with writing on. PEOPLE are negligent and dishonest. And in these cases, the people are usually high up the tree, and their crime is almost always not taking their role seriously and ignoring their own staff at the bottom of the organization. Read more

The NHS War Zone

Is “War Zone” a strong word here?

Vladamir Putin and the Russian government are waging war on Ukraine, and civilian deaths are currently running at 188 per month (December 2022)
Jeremy Hunt and the UK government are waging war on the NHS and civilian deaths are estimated to be running at around 2000 per month.
Ukraine is generally accepted as a war zone, so, with civilian casualties over ten time higher in England, than in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Read more

Amazon’s AI (Artificial Idiot)

Our shower switch broke.  So I ordered another on Amazon Prime for next day delivery.  I got an email saying it had ben dispatched. It didn’t arrive, nor the next day, not the next day.  So I tried to contact Amazon. So the artificial idiot says it wasn’t dispatched, yet the carrier picked up the … Read more

Only a Fraction

“Only a fraction”. It’s a phrase that is in very common use. What does it mean?

A quarter, an eighth, fifteen sixteenths or maybe seven sevenths?  Or is it even vulgar, like twelve tenths?  
After a long investigation, taking only a fraction of the time, and using only a fraction of the resources that a prestigious university would use, I have found the answer… Read more

The Market Economy Explained

If anyone is wondering how the energy crisis works this may help to make it clear.
There once was a little village miles from anywhere. The little village had 100 houses and two bakers. Each baker made 50 loaves a day, so every house in the village got fresh bread. The loaves were sold for £1 each so each baker got £50 a day in sales. Read more

Me and God.

Is there an afterlife, and are humans different from animals?  These two questions are interlinked.  My mother, father and all of my late relatives, and all of my late friends, cats, dogs, gerbils, mice and goldfish have an afterlife.  They are in my memory and in the memory of others who knew them…. Read more