The Earth in Perspective

Imagine the globe 12 inches in diameter in the middle across the equator in front of you. That’s about football size (or soccer ball size for non UK folk). It will look spherical, although it is about 1/20th of an inch smaller from top to bottom (pole to pole). Read more

Good Old South West Water.

Cornwall has been under a hosepipe ban since August 2022.
As the latest full month of data was June, I extracted the rainfall for the 12 months up to June for the last 14 years.  It is quite obvious that we have had above average rainfall for the last three years….

Eighty per cent of beaches in Cornwall have been given raw sewage alerts after heavy rain in the South-west, according to the pressure group Surfers Against Sewage (SAS).

Earlier this month, Pennon sparked outrage by raising its dividend for the year by 10 per cent to £111.7m, despite South West Water being fined £2.15m in April for illegally dumping sewage into rivers and the sea around Devon and Cornwall. Read more