
I have a few Guitars – too many.  I will shed some soon.  This post is mainly to remind myself what I actually have got, and what strings are fitted. Freshman FA350FBF My favourite guitar.  Not much on line but I found this on Freshmans Facebook page. We have been diving into our archives and … Read more

Amazon’s AI (Artificial Idiot)

Our shower switch broke.  So I ordered another on Amazon Prime for next day delivery.  I got an email saying it had ben dispatched. It didn’t arrive, nor the next day, not the next day.  So I tried to contact Amazon. So the artificial idiot says it wasn’t dispatched, yet the carrier picked up the … Read more

A Universal Truth

There can only be one Universe – simply because “uni” means one. In the Multiverse there are not Universes – only Verses. And the verses go on forever, A bit like a Leonard Cohen song. 

Only a Fraction

“Only a fraction“. It’s a phrase that is in very common use. What does it mean? A quarter, an eighth, fifteen sixteenths or maybe seven sevenths?  Or is it even vulgar, like twelve tenths?   After a long investigation, taking only a fraction of the time, and using only a fraction of the resources that … Read more


I have not written many songs, it averages out as one every two years for the last 12 years, so I’m not exactly a prolific songwriter. Although I sing and play in an acoustic duo – Tin Taxi I would not really describe myself as a singer-songwriter – not even as a budding one.  Soundcloud But … Read more

Me and God.

Like a lot of my generation I was sent to CoE Sunday school from about five years old. I stopped going when I was nine. I think my parents were believers but they did not go to church. When I was around about eleven I joined the Boy’s Brigade which is a religeous based organization … Read more


This post was originally posted on 2nd April 2020, but todays events are simply staggering. Boris Johnson, a consumate liar to the core, is now in danger of losing his job after been proven to have lied and to parliament which breaks the ministerial code. This IS a resignation matter. But Johnson’s response is not … Read more

Bupa – our not so good experience

We decided to get some private health insurance and as Bupa is the biggest we thought we’d go with them. So we enquired, they asked for a few details, we agreed and then signed up. No problem, the rep was very nice. Then it all went bad. The next step was to get out medical … Read more

Fining Pieces of Paper

The government has just fined Southern water £90,000,000 for pouring sewage into the sea. In 2017 a worker lost a thumb and fingers in an industrial accident. Almost four years later (May 2021) the company was fined for breaching Health and Safety regulations. We have fined banks;  we have  fined hospitals;  we have fined network … Read more


I was an electronic engineer for most of my working life.  During all of that time I used the word “data” lots of times, every day. It was never a plural word as it seems to be used now. Neither was it a singular word.  It was used in a similar way to “water” or … Read more